What all good background checks need to include is a “National Criminal History Check”. Bad news: its a myth. It does not exist and despite what any private background check provider tells you, they don’t have one, they have fabricated a search for marketing purposes. Yes the FBI has a background check that is the … Read more

Instant, discount employment background checks come with risks and often fail to meet your obligation to the applicants and your employer.

Both houses of Congress have agreed on legislation – H.R. 933: Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013 – that includes a funding of $111 million to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services department for expenses for the E-Verify Employment Eligibility Verification Program. This program is designed to verify that a prospective employee is legally eligible … Read more

With a number of purposed gun purchase related background checks being authored in Washington, the current system had its weaknesses exposed again. Tennis Maynard is accused of shooting newly elected Mingo County West Virginia Sheriff, Eugene Crum, as Crum sat in his squad car last week. According to local sources, “Maynard bought the gun at a local gun store.” … Read more

A Criminal Background Check is an easy step that will save lives.

With gun control calls growing louder, it appears that Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) has emerged as a key player if Senate Democrats are to have any chance of passing legislation to expand background checks for private sales of firearms. TheHill.com reports that McCain and Sens. Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Dean Heller (R-Nev.) are at the … Read more

Just days prior to the tragedy in Newtown CT, the Michigan legislature voted down a bill that would eliminate the customary criminal background check currently in place. Gov. Snyder opposed the bill which was sponsored by the NRA. In light of the Newtown massacre, this type of background check seems like the minimum that should … Read more

Great investigative reporting by WEAU 13 NEWS in Eau Claire, WI enlightens viewers on just how easy it is to fake drug screenings with the help of online retailers who have no problem helping drug abusers to commit fraud. Report here

Mikal Belicove, a contributor at Forbes published a basic but worthy 10 Dos and Don’ts list on employee background checks. He covers these items in a very sensible and realistic approach. It is amazing home many people rationalize away background checks or try and run them for $5.99 thinking they are receiving real information to … Read more

A Florida youth football coach was arrested after assaulting a referee. The article below explains that the youth program conducts background checks on all volunteers, apparently even on this coach who was found to have a criminal background after all. Sun Sentinel Article Stories like this highlight that not all criminal background checks are alike. … Read more