Background Check Central is the Best Choice in Applicant and Employee Screening for Small and Mid-size Business Owners
Background Checks for Small Businesses
As a business owner or manager, you genuinely care about your company, your team and your money. In a world crowded with background screening options, most of the options you will find are geared toward convenience features for the human resource department and not about providing real, reliable employee background checks that actually help weed out the unqualified applicants and protect the people and assets of the company first. As an owner or leader, you want specialized background checks for small business, not a one size fits all, computer generated background.

We specialize in protecting small and size businesses like yours, not giant corporations who hire thousands of workers.
Employee background checks can be confusing. The industry seems determined to make the process and quality of the information available a mystery. When comparing one employee background provider to another, they all start to look the same. The truth is, for 90+% of the industry, all they want is to put you into an automated database package and have a computer application do all the work. You end up paying for their disclaimers about what they don’t do, what they can’t be held responsible for and reminding you that you are on your on if something goes wrong. On top of that, these firms want volume. They could care less about small and mid size businesses and if you end up hiring them, you will very likely be treated like a number at every turn. For business owners and top mangers, that model doesn’t work.
At Background Check Central, a real investigator will work on every background check you order!
We get that convenience and ease of use are important, and our service is so simple for you and your team that all you need to do is send one email to your applicant while we handle the rest. But more importantly, we pair the best technology available in the industry with a team of experts who understand records, where to find them and move beyond the limited information available for free on the internet. Many others don’t! We also have a team of actual investigators who plan, prepare and supervise every background check.
Key features of our background checks for small business include:
- Accurate, reliable information
- Complete searches, not just the free, instant, outdated sources
- Real investigators conducting and supervising your employee screening
- A simple, turn-key system that takes all the work off of you
- State-of-the-art processes that automate and expedite the turn around time
- No purchase commitments or minimums. Use us when you need us.
- We’re also a Michigan based small business committed to heling you succeed
- Complete API integrations for hundreds of HR and applicant tracking platforms
- Custom packages for every client
- Working with people you like